Welcome gamers.
Before you go and post all over the board, post or start on character submissions please take a moment to check out our Code of Conduct.
This out of character area is for all members to use, not abuse, so be mindful of what you're posting. This Admin and moderators of the boards won't have a problem deleting any posts (or pictures) that they deem inappropriate. But being that we're honestly inappropriate ourselves, we're likely to just delete those we find offensive or receive complaints about.
If anyone has any general questions or conversations, go ahead and start posting. The various admin and storytellers can be found at the bottom of the forum in those colourful little tags under the Legend. They should direct you to the relevant storyteller with PMs and email options if you require to speak to them in private.
That being said, take a look around, have a chat to players, storytellers and come and get your geek on.
If you have any issues, contact me.